Emergency Procedures & Pitch Setup

Information for Teams...

The Responsibilities Of Team Coach


  • Every game is to be set up correctly including respect line and coach areas. No exceptions layouts are detailed below. Everyone is expected to stay in their area.
  • Make sure the opposition coaches/referees on their arrival are shown to their area.

  • Government guidelines are to be followed at all times.

Emergency Number: 07867 500445 - Tom Sullivan - Club Director & Club Covid-19 Officer


Emergency Location.


Fire Assembly Point – On the path next to main gate to The Ridgewaye Field.


Defibrillator Location 1 – Inside Club House at The Ridgewaye (if open). It is just inside the changing room entrance ( door on left as you look from the pitch 1) on the wall on the left.


Defibrillator Location 2 – On the side of The Asian Supermarket - London Rd, Tunbridge Wells TN4 0PT – Closest for Far Field at The Ridgewaye.


Defibrillator Location 3 – On the of the Front of Southborough Fire Station - London Rd, Tunbridge Wells TN4 0BB - Closest for Main Field at The Ridgewaye and for Cadogan..

Defibrillator Location 4 - Tunbridge Wells Boys Grammer - On the Front of the Sports Hall, next to 4G pitch.

Defibrillator Location 5 - Haysbrook School - On the Front of the Sports Hall, next to 4G pitch.


If Emergency drive on  Access is required  to The Ridgewaye Field this is via The Gate on St Andrews Court, off Pinewood Gardens, TN4 0LZ.  (Enterance behind Tesco Express, Next to the Southborough FC Hut) – Code can be obtained from the Club Secretary on 07867 500445. 

If you are near one of the exits it is recommended you direct the emergency vehicle there.  As it is is not recommended in the Winter for emergency vehicles to drive on the Ridgewaye main fields.

Access to Hockey Field is also not recommended in the Winter for emergency vehicles.

Nearest Hospital.

Maidstone & Tunbridge Wells Emergency Department (Pembury Hospital), Tonbridge Rd, Royal Tunbridge Wells, Kent TN2 4QJ. 

4 Miles Away.

15 Minutes by car traffic permitting.

Map & Directions From Ridgewaye

Map & Directions From Cadogan

Safety Rules.

In addition to the Clubs Codes Of Conduct, The FA and Government Guidelines these
rules will be adhered to at all times without exception whilst at or taking part in any club

Artificial Surface Training Venues. Players are not allowed on the pitch until the
session before is finished and must not enter the pitch until their coach is present. No
parents are allowed on the surface unless specifically instructed to do so by their coach.
Teams must be off the surface promptly to allow the next coach to setup his player area

Coaches must check all playing areas are safe before conducting any training session or match.

Only coaches with an upto date DBS are allowed to coach.

Coaches should have their first aid bags with them at all training sessions and matches.

Coaches must make sure players leave all sites safely.

Pitch Layout

Coach & Spectators Locations On The Ridgewaye

Coach & Spectators Locations On Cadogan